Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Guest Post for Big Bathroom Shop

Hi guys,

I was approached on Twitter (find me here) to do a post for one of the top on-line bathroom retailers - Big Bathroom Shop.

During my not so busy bank holiday I put together a little guide to help you select from the masses of countertop basins to find the one most suited to your bathroom. For those interested, you can find the article here.

If you would like me to write/'guest post' on your site, get in touch on sandrahenshaw@gmail.com


Sandra :)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Top 5 Ways to Create a Chic Bathroom

I often get asked how to turn a drab out-dated bathroom into one that oozes chic design. Everybody has a different view on what constitutes chic, but to me it means exuberance, colour, individuality and flare. I come across hundreds of bathroom designs at various expos and conventions across the world and 95% of the showcased suites are generic and plain. Below are my 5 top tips for creating a modern chic bathroom.

1)     New coat of paint: Every bathroom needs a new lick of paint once in a while, and a chic bathroom demands a change more than others. So, what colour to choose? If you’re a girlie girl like me then I’d have to recommend a shade of pastel pink.  Not only will the colour elude warmness and tranquillity it gives off that shining glow that will put a smile on your face in even the darkest of mornings.

2)     Flowers: Fresh flowers are so underused in the bathroom. In my opinion they’re one of the simplest and most powerful ways of enlivening and decorating the home. Ultimately choosing what type to pick will be determined by the colour of your walls, but something neutral like white orchids will look great across a wide range of bathroom suite designs.

3)     Technology: This is going to sound weird coming from the least tech savy woman in Scotland, but there’s  some fantastic electronic bathroom accessories on the market. Check out these chic bathroom TV’s perfect for keeping up with the soaps while you’re having a soak!

4)     Lighting:  Sandra’s quick tip… NEVER put a light directly above a mirror. This can lead to objects looking bigger than they actually are if you catch my drift. Have you given any consideration to a bathroom chandelier? Not all bathrooms can pull this off, and its generally only the ones lucky enough to have space and the ceiling height to accommodate it, but these do often make a fantastic stand out feature worthy of any designer home magazine.

5)     Accessories: If you don't do anything else, replacing your bathroom's shower curtains, towels and rugs are the fastest way to make the room seem new. Go with a simple colour palette and don't overdo the accessories. Too many items on the counter or walls can make the room seem smaller.

Hope this post has been some help those that needed chic inspiration. I’m off to finish my latest concepts for the 2012 range of bathroom furniture, wish me luck!

Traditional Pink Chic Bathroom Suite